124 days…

I’m not really good at Math — even simple things like addition and subtraction (unless I can count on my fingers) and so in an attempt to count my days of sobriety (during a client call — have I mentioned I have ADD?) I have come to the mathematical conclusion (without counting on my fingers) that I have 124 days of sobriety. I will double check the number in a bit but regardless of whether or not it’s off a day or two — that’s a really fucking long time.

Since my last post I have gone to three other business dinners — one of which lasted 3 (mother fucking) hours and where I fatefully was placed next to the new SVP of Human Resources. Side note: If anyone knows me you know I am not politically correct and cuss like a sailor and say inappropriate things and what’s on my mind so for me to sit next to any executives let alone a HR executive is like Russian roulette. And I was the only one not drinking except for the pregnant lady (but I think even she was drinking). Anyways, in addition to those dinners I have gotten through Halloween, my birthday, awful Chargers games, 24 hours with my eight-year-old brother who is my mini-me and would drive anyone to drink, my grandparents 35th anniversary with the whole family and all other days ending in day — sans alcohol. Whew. That was a lot. I have impressed myself.

I also am getting back into working out. I supplemented my lack of alcohol with an increase in junk food, and sugar and spice and everything else that does not make my ass look nice but I am feeling good again and am ready to get that six pack back (ok fine so I’ve never had a six pack — other than a six pack of beer — but I would like to one day have one and one that doesn’t have Bud Light in it).

I haven’t been much to write as of late as to be honest work has been kicking my ass. Our company got acquired and is in the process of merging and I got a new client and I’m not really great at dealing with stress (without an ice cold brew) so I kind of have hibernated from everyone and everything (see its not you, its me; really). I hope to get back into writing but I don’t see any end in sight as far as work is concerned from now until the New Year and since I am on the interwebs and a computer all day it’s the last thing I want to do when I am off. I would much rather do other activities that enrich my life like watch the Kardashians, watch 16 and pregnant and feel better about life, watch sports and continue to make up dialogue between my animals. Again, its a glamorous life I lead.

But anyways….

I am still sober… and now a year older!

stay sober my friends.

Michael and I

5 thoughts on “124 days…

  1. Congrats on riding this crazy train right through all those obstacles! You’re amazing! And hey, I love your cussing like a sailor because it brings such an invigorating voice to your writing.

    As for counting, I use a counting app to do the math for me and look at it several times a day. It’s f&@/ing awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats! I counted every day for a year. For me, that first year took so long. It’s a miracle to get sober, learn how to face life differently and then flourish in it. But it is singularly the best thing I have ever done.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ah nice to see ya, young lady, even though I see you popping up all the time on Kate’s blog…lol.

    Anyway, I too counted for the first year. I would probably know the hour too if you asked me kindly. That’s okay…this is all new, isn’t it? You’re doing great – keep it up. Life hits us, sober or not sober, so live it!

    Have a great day and good luck in the job front!


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  4. Pingback: 428 Good Days | We Admitted We Were Powerless

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